• Welcome to Simple Things, where we believe in lower our exposure to toxins  through DIY recipes that help you to prioritize the health and safety of your loved ones without breaking the bank!
  • Dive into our  Blog posts that go beyond DIY cleaning recipes and dive into the risks and benefits backed by research.  We explore the saftey of many store bought products like essential oils and DIY Products, helping you to make educated chocies as a shopper. 
  • Learn the art of handmade everyday essentials like: soaps, balms, bath salts, skin care and household cleaners to Natural Immune & Sleep Support; saving you your hard earned money, but  saving LOTS OF TIME Researching which store products are “safer.”
  • Join us on your wellness journey at SimpleThings.blog and start your journey towards a Simpler & Less Toxic Lifestyle. 

“Embrace Simplicity: Saving, Thriving, and Nurturing Your Health”

Pure Options

Navigate product choices effortlessly with expert insights, helping you to find alternatives with fewer toxins. Make informed decisions for a healthier lifestyle with our knowledge, tips and expert assistance

DIY Natural Products

Discover the art of creating your own DIY natural products at Simple Things. Say goodbye to harmful chemicals and hello to a home that not only sparkles but also promotes your well-being.

Whether you’re interested in homemade cleaning solutions or learning how to make all-natural skincare and beauty products, we’ve got you covered.

Join our community of like-minded enthusiasts and embark on a journey towards a simpler, safer, and more sustainable lifestyle. Explore, learn, and embrace the Simple Things that make a big difference in your daily life.

Cleaning | Environment

Discover the art of making your own household cleaners...

Making your own household cleaners with readily available items, ensuring a toxic-free environment for you and your loved ones.

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 Our comprehensive collection includes homemade cleaners, DIY cleaning spray concoctions, and a variety of natural cleaners. These recipes are designed to transform your cleaning routine while promoting a healthier lifestyle.

 But that’s not all – we go the extra mile by sharing insights on which cleaners are best suited for specific areas of your home.

Bid farewell to confusion and make informed choices about what should and should not be used and where. Whether you’re looking for the best homemade cleaning solution or wanting to know how to make an all-purpose cleaner, we’ve got you
covered with practical advice and step-by-step guides.

Our blog isn’t just about recipes; it’s a comprehensive guide to creating a toxin-free sanctuary tailored to your unique needs.

We believe that a clean home should be a healthy home.

Join our community of like-minded enthusiasts, and let’s embark on a journey towards a simpler, safer, and more sustainable lifestyle.

Say goodbye to harmful chemicals and hello to a home that not only sparkles but also promotes your well-being.

Explore, learn, and embrace the Simple Things that make a big difference in your daily life.

Transform your cleaning routine with our homemade cleaner recipes, DIY cleaning spray ideas, and insights into natural cleaners. Because a simple, non-toxic life is just a blog away at

Essential Oils | Nutrients

Your essential guide to unlocking the diverse and beneficial world of essential oils.

Discover the myriad uses and benefits of essential oils beyond mere cleaning, as we delve into practical applications for enhancing your family’s well-being

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Learn the art of incorporating essential oils into your daily routines, exploring their versatile
uses for wellness, relaxation, cleaning, crafting, and emotional well-being.

Uncover the secrets of essential oil blends that not only elevate your mood but also contribute to the overall health of your family. From promoting relaxation and reducing stress to boosting energy and enhancing focus, essential oils offer a natural and effective approach to support your family’s

Our blog is your go-to resource for understanding how to use essential oils safely. We provide practical dos and dont’s, ensuring you can enjoy the benefits without compromising the health and safety of your loved ones, including the wellness of your little ones and furry companions.

Dive into articles that go beyond cleaning, exploring the full spectrum of essential oil uses for creating a less toxic, healthier living space.

Discover the art of handmade soaps, and crafting personal care products using essential oils, from soothing balms to invigorating bath salts, as we guide you through the creation of natural, chemical-free alternatives for skincare and self-care.

Welcome to a world where essential oils are  safe solutions for enhancing every aspect of your family’s life.


Transformative benefits,

Learn how to use essential oils effectively, and embark on a fragrant and family-friendly adventure with SimpleThings.blog

Body | Nutrition

Straightforward, easy-to-follow recipes and explanations.

 We break down the health benefits of elderberry syrup,
emphasizing its immune-boosting properties, and showcase the cost savings associated with crafting it at home.

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Interested in exploring the world of canning? Check out our Body/Nutrition section at SimpleThings.blog, your go-to guide for simplifying the art of home food preservation. Whether you’re a beginner or seeking advanced techniques, we’ve got you covered with basic principles, practical how-tos, and a variety of recipes.

Our curated content at the intersection of health and practical know-how takes you on a journey through the nutritional benefits of elderberry syrup and the fascinating world of canning. We eliminate unnecessary complexities, making it easy for beginners and offering advanced variations for those wanting a personalized touch.

At SimpleThings.blog, we believe in a healthier, more informed lifestyle without the confusion. Join our community to take steps towards a knowledgeable and health-conscious you. This blog is not just a blog; it’s your resourceful companion on the path to simplified healthful living. Start your exploration, and let your appetite for knowledge flourish through our practical and insightful content.

Body | Beauty

We empower you to craft your own self-care essentials using less toxic and natural ingredients.

Immerse yourself in our blog as we provide actionable insights into creating DIY skincare and beauty
products that prioritize safety.

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Explore our guides on choosing less toxic ingredients for your skin, emphasizing the use ofnatural elements such as essential oils. Learn to create luxurious, all-natural beauty products
that cater to your unique needs. From simple recipes for soaps to nourishing lotions and eco-friendly shampoo bars, we’ve got you covered with formulations that are not only effective but
also gentle on your skin.

Picture this: crafting your own body and home essentials using natural ingredients like organic coconut oil, argan, or jojoba.

Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and methods to take charge of your well-being, one small change at a time. Self-care isn’t about drastic overhauls; it’s about making incremental, healthier choices each day.

It’s not just about crafting products; it’s about making informed choices.

We guide you through store bought choices and DIY recipes, ensuring your decision or creations prioritize safety by
incorporating natural elements.

Discover the benefits of using essential oils and other natural ingredients that go beyond skin-deep, providing holistic care for your well-being.

Delve into our blog that focuses on natural products and on handpicked recipes that focus on skincare, beauty, and sustainability. Whether you’re an experienced DIY enthusiast or new to the world of crafting, SimpleThings.blog is your practical guide to safer beauty choices.

We go beyond the market products, shedding light on which ones are safer and introducing you to the
empowering world of crafting your own skincare essentials.

Join our community, where we share knowledge on DIY skincare and beauty that emphasizes
safety and natural goodness.

Unleash the radiance within with our DIY Body/Beauty essentials –because true beauty is not just about appearances, but also about nourishing your skin with the
goodness of nature.

Your journey to safer and more natural beauty solutions starts here.

About Us

Hey there, lovely souls! Welcome to SimpleThings.blog, my little corner of the internet where I spill the beans on creating a life that’s not just healthier but simpler too. I’m your guide, the one scribbling these words and navigating life’s rollercoaster with a heart full of compassion and a head brimming with knowledge.

My journey ? Well, it’s been a wild ride  dealing with Coronary Artery Disease, MTFHR Gene Mutation, Sarcoidosis, Autoimmune chaos, and the whole shebang of Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility. Toss in mix my kiddo’s low histamine intolerance, AKA MCAS and you’ve got a real-life drama unfolding. But here’s the kicker: I stumbled onto something game-changing—ditching the nasty chemicals !

SimpleThings.blog isn’t just a blog; it’s like my digital heart spilled out on the screen. It’s a place where you can soak in empathy and pick up nuggets of wisdom while you explore the world of DIY household and personal care goodies that won’t break the bank.

So, dive into the nitty-gritty of SimpleThings.blog. Think of it as a friend who gets you, offering up all the info you need with a side of safer, more affordable, eco-friendly product knowledge to make sure you find what you’re looking for without much of the stress. From homemade hacks to wellness wisdom and tips for living a more sustainable simple life, it’s all here—tailored just for you.

Let’s embark on this journey together, where each post isn’t just a blip on the screen but a step toward a life that’s intentional, healthier, and, well, just downright simple. Ready to dive in?

Embrace simplicity, find joy in the little things. SimpleThings.blog: Your guide to a mindful and thriving life.

"In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra efficitur elit."

Kason Espinosa

"Semper leo et sapien lobortis facilisis aliquam feugiat ut diam non tempus et malesuada."

Saif Guerra
Organic Elderberry Elixer

Discover the natural benefits of our Organic Elderberry Syrup. Made from premium organic elderberries, our syrup not only delights your taste buds, but also booss your immune system with our antioxidants, anti inflamatory and allergy aiding elixer. Buy your today !

4 oz &15.99   8 oz $28.99   Call for Bulk Pricing
Organic Bee’s Wax Wraps

Made from 100% cotton, beeswax, jojoba oil, and tree resin, these reusable wraps reduce plastic waste. Their natural antibacterial properties preserve food without harmful chemicals of plastic. Versatile, breathable, and washable, they offer an eco-friendly alternative for various kitchen needs. Make a conscious choice for the environment and your well-being with these durable wraps.

Coming Soon

Organic Tart Cherry Elixir

Made from premium organic tart cherries, this syrup not only tastes great but also helps with sleep thanks to natural melatonin and tryptophan. Plus Tart Cherries are known to support your heart health. Make a healthy choice – get our Organic Tart Cherry Syrup and enjoy the natural benefits it provides.

8oz  $13.99   16 oz $25.99   Call for Bulk Pricing
Organic Soy (Lead Free) Candles

Illuminate your space with Intentions, where simple elegance meets purpose. Crafted with an eco-friendly, lead-free wick, our candles offer a clean burn for a warm and inviting atmosphere. Immerse yourself in carefully chosen scents that align with your desires and purposeful pursuits. Elevate your moments with Intentions, turning your space into a haven of comfort and intentionality.


Simple Things | Less Toxic | Wellness |  Blog